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Childhood Trauma In Adults

  What is Childhood Trauma?

Childhood Trauma is a traumatic event or experience one encounters before becoming an adult. These events can be emotionally painful and cause distress. There are different events that a child can witness during their early age that would be defined as Childhood Trauma .Childhood trauma can have a big impact causing lasting physical and mental effects on certain adults.

Examples of Childhood Trauma
(traumatic events):
  • Neglect - no attention or time given
  • Witnessing domestic violence
  • Physical and emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse 
  • Stress caused by poverty 
  • Violence 

Effects or signs of Childhood Trauma In Adults

  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks 
  • Feeling of Isolation
  • Lack of sleep or/and excessive sleep
  • Emotional outburst
  • Anger
  • Eating disorders

*Unresolved childhood trauma in adulthood can cause low self-esteem, struggling with social interaction, PTSD, self, harm, Mood Swings, Chronic apologizing, feeling misunderstood, pushing the people you love away, fear of abandonment, and much more.*

  A few ways to HEAL from Childhood Trauma

    1. Reach out for help - to a love one(someone you trust) or/and THERAPY
    2. Do not isolate yourself
    3. Trauma counseling
    4. Educate yourself- do your research, learn about Childhood Trauma, Trauma overall.
    5. Create good habits in your life that can help you replace and eliminate the bad ones.
    6. Acknowledge the TRAUMA
    7. *Take care of of your health and Mental Health (Make it your main priority) <3