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Childhood Trauma In Adults

   What is Childhood Trauma? Childhood Trauma is a traumatic event or experience one encounters before becoming an adult. These events can be emotionally painful and cause distress. There are different events that a child can witness during their early age that would be defined as Childhood Trauma .Childhood trauma can have a big impact causing lasting physical and mental effects on certain adults. Examples of Childhood Trauma (traumatic events) : Neglect - no attention or time given Witnessing domestic violence Physical and emotional abuse Sexual abuse  Stress caused by poverty  Violence  Effects or signs of Childhood Trauma In Adults Depression Panic Attacks  Feeling of Isolation Lack of sleep or/and excessive sleep Emotional outburst Anger Eating disorders *Unresolved childhood trauma in adulthood can cause low self-esteem, struggling with social interaction, PTSD, self, harm, Mood Swings, Chronic apologizing, feeling misunderstood, pushing the people you love away, fear of abandonm